Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone developer Infinity Ward has admitted that it needs to do better to counter racism in its online games. Going forward, the developer will be taking a more aggressive approach to racist and hateful clan tags, user names and other offensive content. To start, the developer will be dedicating more resources to monitor and ban racist user content across the game. The in-game reporting tool will be expanded to include racist names and the like as possible reasons for filing a report. Infinity Ward is aiming to increase the number of bans per hour. The developer is also exploring ways to make it easier for players to report. Technical upgrades include “greater restrictions” on name changes, as well as smarter filters to prevent these usernames from being made in the first place. Lastly, Infinity Ward will punish repeat offenders with permanent bans. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Infinity Ward (@InfinityWard) June 3, 2020 This looks to be on the level of the developer’s approach to cheating in Warzone. The changes made then had a visible effect on the number of cheaters in-game, so hopefully a similar success will be found in the battle against racist players. In other Call of Duty news, Activision postponed the new seasons for both Warzone/Modern Warfare and Mobile indefinitely.