Activision really wants everyone to play Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare this weekend. The games are not only getting double everything, beginning later today, the publisher is also offering Battle Pass owners ten whole tiers for free. And if both of these aren’t enough, there’s one more event kicking off later today with the reset. Free-to-play Warzone players will be able to jump into traditional Modern Warfare multiplayer just for the weekend. This sadly isn’t the full multiplayer package, only a limited playlist. It’s called Stocked Up, Locked Down, and it includes two maps: Shoot House (6v6) and the recently added Atlas Superstore (10v10). Both maps rotate between the different objective modes, as well as Team Deathmatch. That playlist is obviously also available to owners of the full game of Modern Warfare. Because Warzone players already have access to custom loadout slots, playing this playlist should boost some of their lesser-used weapons, not to mention give a nice boost in unlocks thanks to the faster nature of these maps compared to Warzone. The playlist goes live today at 10am PT, 1pm ET, 6pm UK, alongside the double everything event.