Borderlands 3 finally arrived on Steam on Friday after six months of Epic Games Store exclusivity. In the days since, the game managed to land a spot in Steam’s top ten. According to Steam Charts, Borderlands 3 achieved a peak concurrent player count of 93,597, which it hit on Sunday. This is a great figure for launch, and it’s close to the series’ all-time peak of 123,596, achieved by Borderlands 2. Granted, Borderlands 3 launched with a very enticing discount of 50% off the usual $60, which was likely offered to tempt double-dipping, not to mention make it easier to jump in for those who held out after the Epic exclusivity deal was announced.

If you’re looking to jump in yourself, all three versions of the game will remain on sale until Friday. The game’s next add-on, Guns, Love, and Tentacles, launches March 26. And, just in case you need it, here’s our big Borderlands 3 guide.