Steam users can play Dying Light for free all weekend. If you end up liking what you play, the game is on sale for 66% off at $13.59. You can opt to grab the Enhanced Edition instead for 70% off at $17.99. All progress from the free weekend will carry over to the full game upon purchase. In the game, you explore the post-apocalyptic city of Harran which has been taken over by zombies. Using parkour and combat skills, and crafting you will try to survive being killed by the infected. You will also try to find out the mystery behind the deadly infection. If you don’t wish to go it alone, there’s a co-op mode. Techland is currently developing Dying Light 2, which was announced at E3 2018. It was initially set for a spring 2020 release, but was delayed early last year. At the start of this year, Techland promised “exciting news” about the game would be shared soon, but it appears there may be some development trouble at the studio, going by a report from earlier in the week.