This move has gone down a treat among the Fortnite community, who’ve been endlessly debating the merits of building ever since the game came out almost five years ago. No, with a clear option available for groups on both sides of the argument, there’s a tailored experience for anyone who fancies jumping in for a game or two. Taking a look at the official Fortnite Reddit, you’ll find a whole megathread dedicated to discussion about Building vs No Building. There, you’ll find some who passionately retell their own stories as someone who just couldn’t click with the mechanic and only recently gave it another go thanks to the removal of building, while others will passionately defend it as a core part of what makes the game special. None of these opinions are wrong, of course, and it’s for this reason that the new dedicated mode is an absolute win in the eyes of the community. There’s something here for everyone. User AcomplishedBelt7 writes: “Annnd we’re back! I’m glad we have both choices now, this is a great idea that finally satisfies both parties. I loved no building, but building has always been a core part of this game and I’m super glad it’s back” - an opinion that’s shared among many of those adding their thoughts to the mix both in Reddit and beneath the announcement on Twitter. What’s interesting here is what this’ll mean for the future of Fortnite, and how the community will split itself between the modes. Whether Epic will release the figures on the popularity of each mode remains to be seen, but an actual quantitative showcase of the split rather than judging it vaguely by community sentiment on social media would go a long way in figuring out whether this will end up a monumental update for the title. What do you think about the Zero Build mode? Are you a loyal defender of building? Or one of those who’ve only recently returned to the game thanks to the removal of building? Let us know below! For more Fortnite news, check out how the Epic Games Ukraine fund raised more than $50 million in three days, and our report on when zero build was first introduced as a temporary feature of the new chapter last week.