Kazunori Yamauchi, legendary designer and Polyphony Digital studio head, recently attended an FIA event where he was asked about the future of the Gran Turismo series. According to Yamauchi, the team is interested in future games running at a framerate above 60fps, more than they’re in 8K resolution. “I think, display resolution-wise, 4K resolution is enough,” Yamauchi said, as reported by GT Planet. Although Yamauchi didn’t specifically name-drop PlayStation 5, it’s fair to say he’s referring to Sony’s next-gen console as a possible candidate in this push for higher framerate, given what we know of the console’s power.

“Rather than a spatial resolution that you’re talking about, I’m more interested in the advancements we can make in terms of the time resolution,” he explained. “In terms of frames per second, rather than staying at 60fps, I’m more interested in raising it to 120fps or even 240fps. I think that’s what’s going to be changing the experience from here on forward.” Officially, Sony says the PS5 will support 8K. More realistically, however, 8K would be incredibly taxing on the hardware, and may not leave enough room to push the framerate beyond 30fps. It’s going to be really interesting to see if Polyphony and other first-party studios would be allowed to focus on framerate over resolution. For all of the PlayStation 5’s confirmed details so far, including specs, launch target, possible price and more, hit the link.