As such, we’ve created this guide on how to get the Precision Rifle. We’ve also briefly written about what it’s used for, and how good it is, so give it a read if you’re curious about this latest entry into the GTA Online weapon rack.
GTA Online: How to get the Precision Rifle
The Precision Rifle is the easiest weapon to acquire in the Criminal Enterprises update. Simply travel down to the closest Ammunition store, and you’ll find it in the sniper rifle section. It sells for 450,000 GTA$, so you’ll need a chunky wallet to walk out with it. It’s a super powerful, super accurate sniper rifle able to take enemies out easily from a distance. It’s also perfect for several of the new Operation Paper Trail missions added in this update, including ULP: Intelligence and ULP: Asset Seizure.
GTA Online: When will the M16 Service Carbine be added
At the start of this piece, we mentioned the M16 Service Carbine as the second new weapon, so you may be wondering how to get that to! Unfortunately, this weapon has yet to be added to the game. We do know how to get it thanks to data miners, but as of right now it’s unobtainable. With that, we’ve reached the end of our guide on how to get the Precision rifle! Once more content is added to the game, we’ll update this piece as soon as possible! For more GTA Online Criminal Enterprises guides, check out our walkthrough of the ULP missions, as well as our recap of current GTA + rewards.