As promised, DICE brought the first-ever look at Battlefield 2042 multiplayer gameplay to the Microsoft stage, as part of the Xbox Bethesda Games E3 2021 Showcase. The video features a look at 128-player multiplayer on the new Conquest, captured from a variety of the game’s massive maps (but mostly Hourglass). This isn’t some stylised selection of scenes, either, we’re looking at direct gameplay capture for the most part, with the HUD and the rest of the UI visible. The perspective changes all throughout to demonstrate Battlefield 2042’s different gameplay mechanics. There’s a look at a couple of the No-Pat Specialists, including Webster Mackay’s grappling hook, the wingsuits, and a glimpse of Maria Falck’s Syrette Pistol. A few seconds of vehicle gameplay are there, too, offering a look at the helicopter, tank, and transport vehicles. The impressive new weather effects are on full display. Hourglass’ sandstorm, in particular, slowly rolls in and covers the map in dust, not to mention tear apart infantry and vehicles as it tosses them around. One of Battlefield 2042’s most discussed new mechanics - the ability to call in vehicle deliveries - is demonstrated. We even get a peek at the Crysis-style Plus Menu as we see a player tweak his not-Vector to be more CQC-appropriate. The star of the show is, of course, the scale. The trailer is full of combined arms combat across massive open fields. Battlefield 2042 is out October 22 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Our next stop is the reveal of DICE LA’s secret experience, which is said to be a love letter to classic Battlefield fans. This will be the focus of EA Play Live on July 22.