That being said, a lot of players are having trouble with finding certain resources. Unsullied Hearts have exceedingly rare drop rates, the Paper Press can take an age to unlock, and getting your hands on Gold Ingots takes some time and effort, too. In this guide, we’ve explained how to get Gold Jewelry, and how to smelt this into Gold Ingots that can be used for crafting in V Rising.
How to craft Gold Ingots in V Rising
In V Rising, you’ll need to first unlock the recipe for Gold Ingots before you’re actually able to craft any. To unlock the recipe, you must make your way to Brighthaven Cathedral and defeat Blood Boss, Azariel the Sunbringer. Azariel is a Level 68 vampire, so you’re likely not going to have an easy time trying to fight him. Once you’re finally able to take on Azariel and kill him, you’ll have unlocked the recipe for crafting Gold Ingots. The recipe needs eight Gold Jewelry and eight Sulphur (and a furnace), so your next task is to hunt down some jewelry.
Where to get Gold Jewelry in V Rising
Gold Jewelry can typically be collected as drops from enemies, but the enemies you’ll need to go up against aren’t easy to tackle. Paladins and Wizards in the Brighthaven Cathedral area will often drop Gold Jewelry, and while they’ve got nothing on the area boss, Azariel, they’re still tough. However, dedicate a little time to farming these enemies, and you should be able to collect enough Gold Jewelry to smelt your first few Gold Ingots. Later in the game, Gold Jewelry is also dropped by enemies in the Silverlight Hills area. Specifically, you’ll want to keep an eye out for Knights and Clerics. Finally, and perhaps most obviously, Gold Jewelry will sometimes be dropped by high-level V Blood Bosses. These will be the toughest enemies to kill, so we recommend sticking to the likes of Wizards and Paladins if you’re looking to smelt as many Gold Ingots as possible. Once you’re finally able to craft Gold Ingots, you’ll be able to use them to upgrade your gear and weapons! That’s it for V Rising, and with upgrades in mind, take a look at our guide to farming for cotton, and our guide to the best weapons in the vampire survival game.