This has been a sticking point ever since players first got their hands on the game during the beta, and it has continued at launch and to this day. Although Infinity Ward made several smaller tweaks, and fixed a few bugs that exacerbated the experience further during the beta, the current version of the Modern Warfare 2 UI remains unintuitive, clunky, and often stands in the way of players getting to what they want to get to. But there’s hope, at least, because the developer intends to make major changes to the UI, but they’re going to arrive in waves. That’s according to a report from leaker Ralph Valve, who has been on the money with their Call of Duty leaks in recent months. Apparently, many of the issues players have been complaining about were raised during development. However, a combination of work from home, time constraints and seemingly some miscommunication between departments resulted in the current version of the UI. Although the report doesn’t state how much of the UI will be overhauled, or what form that will take, the developer is already working on several changes, some of which will even arrive with Season One later this week. It is, admittedly, a little unusual for something as major as the UI to receive incremental updates. The fact of the matter is, however, that it won’t be easy to do it any other way with a live game that millions of players play every day. We just hope those changes alleviate the frustrations players have been having with the game’s UI. Whether or not you like the UI, however, you’ll definitely appreciate our best loadouts for the Kastov 762 , TAQ-56, and the M4.