With the PS5 launch in the UK, Europe and other territories this week, millions are finally getting their hands on all those pre-orders. This seems to be more than a simple order fulfilment mistake, because the circumstances of each case are almost identical. Journalist Bex April May was the first to share her experience on Twitter. May received an air fryer instead of a PS5, and it quickly became clear that her situation is not unique. A number of users have since replied to May’s tweet sharing a similar experience, and the Reddit thread above has more anecdotes. In all cases, the order’s tracking page says it was “missed”, or that the delivery person couldn’t locate the address. Following that delay, the order then shows up with a something else in the box. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Bex April May (@bexlectric) November 19, 2020 “Just tracked the driver and saw he was a couple of houses away on the map. Next thing the van rolls up, backs up to my drive then stops. Driver doesn’t get out, pauses for 10 seconds then drove away. Package then said handed to resident and delivered,” recounted Reddit user Adgej123. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — iamadamsullivan (@iamadamsullivan) November 19, 2020 To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — David hill (@hilly_cfc) November 19, 2020 There are dozens of other similar stories, and one Twitter user even faced a similar problem with their Xbox Series X last week. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Got a delivered notification at 1ish, then at about half 9pm I got a box with sodding bedsheets. — Cain Sadler (@CSadler94) November 19, 2020 Some didn’t even get any other item in place of a PS5, as @vonsmittle on Twitter revealed. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — James (@vonsmittle) November 20, 2020