This tidbit came alongside a slew of information regarding the game following a Q&A section for the Defiance update. In this preview event, aspects of Mad Maggie’s character, the team’s journey from the initial launch of Apex Legends to this latest season three years later, and the revelation of next gen versions being in the works were all discussed. On the topic of Mad Maggie, it was revealed that her abilities were originally planned for a polish Legend called Hasaria, a SWAT-style legend that didn’t quite make the cut for the current game. The actual character of Mad Maggie has been in the works for some time as a foil to Fuse, someone able to outshoot the Aussie legend in a rivalry very much built on the foundation created with Loba and Revenant. It was revealed that interactions between her and Fuse were initially friendlier. However, after some feedback from the internal development team, a meaner and more antagonistic relationship was established from voice lines found in the game. In the preview event, the relationship was harkened to a brother / sister esque dynamic, where they both rip into each other relentlessly. Apex Legends Defiance is set to launch February 8 across all supported platforms. For more on this update, check out our coverage of the Mad Maggie gameplay trailer that just went live today, alongside the season 12 cinematic launch trailer.