Based on real-world events, Six Days in Fallujah takes place during the Second Battle for Fallujah in 2004. Originally announced and developed by Atomic Games in 2009 and set to be published by Konami, the game returns with a new publisher and new developer. Atomic Games announced Six Days in Fallujah in 2009 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, but saw the title abandoned by its original publisher following controversy over the coverage of real-world events. Victura, a publishing and production company founded 2016 by former Atomic Games CEO Peter Tamte with the goal of bringing a new Six Days in Fallujah to players, will publish the title. Working in partnership with frontline Marines and Soldiers who fought in the battle, Victura and Highwire have spent more than three years building “unique technologies and game mechanics” that will focus on the “uncertainty and tactics of modern combat.” Over 100 Marines, Soldiers, and Iraqi civilians present during the Second Battle for Fallujah have shared their personal stories, photographs, and video recordings with the development team. These stories will be told through gameplay and first-person accounts in original documentary interview footage. “Sometimes the only way to understand what’s true is to experience the reality for yourself,” says former Marine Sergeant Eddie Garcia, who was wounded during the Battle for Fallujah and proposed the original idea for Six Days in Fallujah in 2005. “War is filled with uncertainty and tough choices that can’t be understood by watching someone on a TV or movie screen make these choices for you. Video games can help all of us understand real-world events in ways other media can’t.” “It’s hard to understand what combat is actually like through fake people doing fake things in fake places,” says Peter Tamte, CEO of Victura. “This generation showed sacrifice and courage in Iraq as remarkable as any in history. And now they’re offering the rest of us a new way to understand one of the most important events of our century. It’s time to challenge outdated stereotypes about what video games can be.” Six Days in Fallujah will release for PC and consoles in 2021. More details about the game will be announced in the coming weeks.

Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 17Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 27Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 93Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 73Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 49Six Days in Fallujah is back after over ten years  with ex Halo and Destiny devs at the helm - 64