Nintendo has this morning announced the results of its full year financials (FY2020). The year, ending March 31, 2021, broke new records for the company. Revenue for the full year amounted to $16.59 billion, a whopping 34.4% increase compared the previous fiscal year. It’s not quite Nintendo’s highest ever revenue, however, but FY2020 is only behind the legendary FY08/09. What is a new record, though, is Nintendo’s operating profit, which totalled $6.04 billion for the full year. This is Nintendo’s highest ever operating profit, and it’s up 81.8% compared to the previous year. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings The company reported revenue of $16.59 billion, up 34.4% YoY. Highest since FY08/09. Operating Profit was $6.04 billion, up 81.8% YoY. This is the highest operating profit the company has ever recorded. Operating profit ratio +9.5 points YoY. — Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) May 6, 2021 Switch hardware and software sales were the main contributors to this success, unsurprisingly. Nintendo updated the sales tally, revealing the Switch hardware (standard and Light) has reached 84.59 million units in sales as of March 31, 28.83 million of those were sold in FY2020. Software sales are remarkably high, too, with 587.12 million over the console’s life, and 230.9 million in FY2020 alone. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Total software sell in for the console has reached 587.12m. Nintendo sold approximately 28.83m units of hardware and 230.9m units of software in the past fiscal year. — Daniel Ahmad (@ZhugeEX) May 6, 2021 Over the course of fiscal year 2020, 36 games crossed over 1 million unit sales on Switch. 22 of those were published by Nintendo, leaving 14 to third-party publishers. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe still leads the Switch’s lifetime sales, at 35.39 million units as of March 31. It’s followed closely by Animal Crossing: New Horizons at 32.63 million. Pokemon Sword and Shield, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and Super Mario Odyssey are all over 20 million.