Devotion, the Taiwanese horror game which has had a rough go of it since its release, is finally back on sale. Instead of going with Steam or any other distribution platform, developer Red Candle simply made it available on its own store. The store has Devotion listed for $17, or $20.68 with the soundtrack, all DRM-free. Red Candle’s previous game, Detention, can also be purchased at the same store, and there’s even a bundle with both games and their soundtracks for $33.56. Red Candle said that this is where its future projects will be available, also DRM-free. “We hope to provide a direct and simple purchasing channel for players who’re interested in our games,” Red Candle said in a brief Twitter announcement. Devotion was initially released in 2019 on Steam, but Red Candle pulled it a few days later after Chinese fans discovered that the game contained reference to the controversial Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh meme. Since then, Western fans were not able to get their hands on the game in a legal, official way. Though Red Candle ended up releasing a physical version in Asia, it did not bring it Westward. Just in December, it looked like fans will be able to finally buy the game, after GOG officially announced its impending release on the DRM-free platform. Only to u-turn hours later after “receiving many messages from gamers”. If you ignore the Steam review-bombing the game took when the Xi Jinping illustration was discovered, Devotion has always been highly-rated among fans and pundits, so it’s good to finally see it easily available to anyone who’s yet to explore its world.